Beautifully written, Ron. Thank you for keeping the faith and exhorting us to do the same. Love you, dear friend.

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I love you, too, my friend! Your encouragement affirms me and keeps me going!

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May 22Liked by Ron Miller

you reference Dr. Prior, whose subtack I follow, too. Recently, she wrote about writing; for some of us, writing involves 'verbal processing'. that captures a part of what I glean from your posts; and, being a verbal processor, I find it very helpful to hear another's 'thought process', written clearly, as you do. I don't think your writing is limited to verbal processing; but you do explain the basis for your reasoning, and I find that so helpful; it sets the stage for reasoned dialogue; we can engage and offer our own reasoning; identifying places of common ground, and places where we have difference in our thinking, which allows us then to consider those differences, and think about them, and engage in discussion about the reasons we agree on and the reasons where our thinking differs, looking to gain further understanding that may bring us to either a fuller respect, where we differ, or a larger paradigm that both our reasonings merge into, that also brings us to sharing more common ground.

I wrote this in lieu of what I would want to do-which would be to consider what you've written point by point; agreeing where our reasoning agrees, adding to the dialogue where I may have come to a similar place of understading differently, or where I may have a different understanding worth sharing. But that would make this its own substack (only longer!). And that's not the purpose of a comment.

you mention Dr. Prior; it was through her subtack that I came to look for yours, and I'm glad i now am a subscriber to your substack, as well. Thanks for posting; they are helpful and edifying.


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